Saturday, 6 February 2010

NHS Quit Kit

As all the regular readers will know, i am a non smoker, (that still makes me feel good when i say that), a non smoker of only 15 weeks i know, but a non smoker all the same. So why would i, a non smoker, apply for the free NHS Quit Kit that is being advertised nationally (uk) to aid people in giving up smoking?......Why?......because i was curious to see what our NHS and Government were doing to aid those that need help.

For those that aren't aware of this and to any overseas reader that i may have reading this, our National Health Service is on a purge at the moment where smoking is concerned, and they are offering this free "Quit Kit" in order to aid you in quitting the cigarettes. A good thing??.....yes, of course it is, anything that is available to you when you want to give up is a good thing. Will it do what it is intended to do?, IE, help you make that first step and quit cigarettes? it wont !! Don't get me wrong, the idea was good, the fact that it is free is good, it is well advertised, national tv and papers, which is good, and the fact that there are people out there trying to help is good, but at the end of the day what you get in this kit is NOT going to help you in any shape or form to stop smoking (in my opinion that is). I smoked my whole adult life, for 26 years in total, i knew for months in advance that i was leading up to giving up. I didn't give up overnight, i did a bit of homework, prepared myself etc, well if i had of gotten this "Quit Kit", whilst in that period of being a smoker but knowing i was about to give up, i know that it would have been totally useless to me.

This are the 6 items that the kit contains:

  • A toothbrush
  • (with "smokefree" written on it)
  • A Web Address
  • where you can download "free stress-busters" for your mp3
  • A leaflet
  • asking you to write down, 1) Your triggers. 2) How you are going to beat them. 3)Set your sights
  • A Questionnaire
  • that will give you an idea how much willpower you have.
  • A Booklet with some FAQ's
  • .........4 FAQ'S to be precise
  • A health and wealth wheel
  • that will tell you how much you will save and how your health will improve over periods of time

The leaflet, questionnaire and booklet are not substantial and probably contain no more that about 200 words on each.....and a toothbrush????? whats that all about??

I would love to be able to get some statistics as to how successful this "Quit Kit" has been, because for me, speaking as a smoker who has just recently given up, its a total waste of time. Its appreciated that the NHS are trying, but i feel their efforts are wasted.

Have you received the NHS Quit Kit???
Has it helped you quit cigarettes?

Would love to hear your views on this. For anyone who wants one they are available by ringing the NHS Smoking Helpline on 0800 0665 826.

