This blog is getting a bit too much of an "information" site, which in itself isn't a bad thing, as any info to aid someone to stop smoking is a good thing, and to have it all in one place is an added benefit.........but the idea behind this blog of mine was to talk about "My Story", how i started, how i finished get the picture. So here goes.....the whys/hows and..... reallys??? :)
I was born in December 1969 and had a very normal family life, well, as far as normal goes that is. I lived with my biological parents and my sister who is just one year older than me. My Dad was a smoker, albeit, what i would call a seasonal smoker......he would smoke for a year then stop for a year, start again and smoke for 6 months then suddenly stop again for 2 years and so on and so forth. He done this for most of my childhood, and fianlly gave up for good around 1990. Its worth adding that when ever he decided to stop, it was done on instinct and was done very easily. He would suddenly get up throw his cigarettes in the bin and say "thats it i'm stopping for awhile" ifs or buts or should i's or shan't i's.....and that would be that for another few months or so.
From as early as i can remember i HATED smoking, absolutely detested it. If dad smoked i would go out of the room (in them days it was normal for people to smoke in the house ), if mum was talking to friends and smoking would be mentioned she would always look down to me and say...." Tell Mrs *** what u think of smoking", and i would always go into great lenghts as to why i hated it so much. Why i hated it so much i dont know, remember this was the early/mid 70's, smoking was very popular back then.....but i for sure was 100% anti smoking.
My Grandad was also a smoker, my dads dad that is, and he lived about 15 miles away from us. Every Sunday we would drive the 15 miles and do the "visiting" thing. Unlike my dad, who smoked tailor made cigartettes my grandad was a tobacco smoker, and had been all his life (he was probably in his early 60's at this time). Now , when i said earlier that i hated smoking that wasn't strictly true, because for some reason this hand rolling tobacco that my grandad had was different, i cant explain it have to remember i was about 5,6, 7 ish, but there just seemed something different about this "sort" of smoking, but i remember watching him get his Old Holborn tin out and me and my sister would crowd around him and watch him roll his cigarette, and then we would argue over who was going to use the matches and light it for him....(yeah i know........i wouldn't dream of letting my 6 year old do that either, but things really were different then). The smell.....i just loved the smell !!......i would pick his tin up and just sit there and sniff, i just loved the smell, even the smoke that the roll up produced and the smoke that my grandad exhaled i liked the smell much different to the tailor mades my dad was smoking !! Like i say, why this was the i dont know.
I eventually went on to have my first "smoke" at the tender age of 11.......i blame that lovely smell of my grandads old holborn personally :).........i was young, very young, and some 29 years later, i can still remember every fine detail about it.
I will carry on from this point in due course ;)
Click here for the second installment "My Personal Story ...11-13 Years (Part Two)"
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