Wednesday 6 January 2010

The New Decade

Well that's it.....another Christmas over and forgotten about, and another new year commences, not only a new year but a new decade, a decade that i am hoping to be a smokefree one. I got talking to some old friends that i hadn't seen for awhile over the Christmas period, and after chatting for a short time, the subject of smoking cropped up, after telling me how well i was doing, and how proud they all were that i had finally managed to kick the smoking, they all had some questions on the matter like how i was feeling, did i still have cravings etc. So thought i would answer some of those questions here, just so that you will know from someone who has done it what to be expecting at the 10 week stage of being smokefree.

Is It Getting Easier?

....Yes without a doubt, but only these last 2-3 weeks. I have to say that for some strange reason, after having smoked for 26years, i found the first 2 weeks an absolute doddle, why i don't know, as everyone else i speak to says that the first few days are murder, but not me.......i kept thinking to myself "whats all the fuss about, thought this was going to be tough" did get tough, real tough, between 2 and 6 weeks, that was my hardest period, but like i say it now seems to be getting easier.

Do You Feel Better?

....I bet you are all expecting me now to say a big fat resounding YES to that question aren't you? One thing this blog is about is sheer honesty, and i aren't going to glamorise giving up smoking by telling you all how easy it is and how fabulous you will feel after a matter of days. The truth is i do feel better, but no where near as much as i was expecting. I can breathe easier, i don't cough as much, i still get breathless when exerting myself, again, not quite as much as i did when i was a smoker, and my taste has improved slowly. The one big thing that i do feel better about is i have more cash :)

How Are The Cravings Now You Are At The 12 Week Stage?

....A lot better, this is one thing that i have noticed a nice steady decline in, once i got through my rocky period (2-6 weeks), i can now feel on a daily basis how the cravings are slowly ebbing. They are still there, don't get me wrong, but less of them and manageable, and i find now that if i get a real strong desire to smoke, it is very easy to distract myself so that the thought goes away. But lets not fool ourselves that the cravings will slowly disappear, because they wont, i know people who have given up for 10 years and every now and then they still get the urge to smoke, its an on going battle, but it does get easier with time.

What,if Anything,Do You Miss About Smoking?

....This was an easy one to answer !!!, and once again i aren't going to lie about the answer.......Smoking!! that's what i miss most about not smoking and that's Smoking :) It was part of my life for so long, remember i smoked from the age of 13 till just before my 40th, and i miss it. But i also knew it was killing me and i had to stop, but yes i do miss lighting up....especially that first one in the morning with the coffee:).

There were more questions and as i think of them i shall write them down and add them in my next post. Also if anybody has a question they would like answered then feel free, i don't pretend to be no expert on this subject, but i am currently experiencing, first hand, the effects of giving up smoking, and will be more than happy to answer any question using the experiences i have occurred over the past 12 weeks.

Happy New Year



Larissa said...

Congrats on quitting! I've never smoked, but my husband's a smoker, so I'm following you to see if I can better understand him. I'm hoping eventually he quits too, but I'm not pushing.

Vattie said...

Thanks for the congrats, its people lke you who take the time out to say things like that , that gives me all the more ambition to stay a non smoker. Hopefully my small, humble blog will help you help your husband.
Happy new year to you both. Vattie