Welcome to Smokefree-Lungs
My name is Vattie, and i am very very new to this Blogging lark, so please bear with me. This blog is, without doubt, going to look very dowdy and amateurish for awhile until i find all the buttons on how to present it with some style and charisma, which i am hoping to do within a short space of time.
The reason for writing this blog is because i am proud of myself...very proud indeed, and i want to tell everyone, well everyone that wants to listen. I gave up smoking 5 weeks ago, having smoked for 26 years, from the age of 13 to my present 39 by going Cold Turkey. This blog isnt going to tell you how to do it, nor is it going to tell you that it is easy......because it isnt. What i want to do is tell you my experiences of going from 30 a day for 2/3 of my life to nothing overnight....my feelings, my moods, how my eating habits have changed right through to things like sleep patterns ,new cravings and how it has affected my family.
Hopefully this blog will grow into a hive of resources and backup for anyone wishing to give up smoking.....it can be done and i hope i can be of help to anyone else contemplating doing it .
best wishes
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